This may not be the most heart tickling of blog posts but I need to relieve a little anxiety and blue weather feelings by solemnly, (though hopefully still a little funny), telling them.
Okay I cannot even do it. A down in the dumps blog post is just not necessarily my gift, I suppose! So instead of moping over the fact that I have to, wait, am so thoroughly blessed with the opportunity to go to Wales this summer and then onto Hawaii I am going to remember all the wonderful, and incandescently beautiful things there are about those two places and all the little things I can take with me there!
First off, Wales. Green sunsets, floating hills. Ha, just pulling your leg. There are the most achingly gorgeous hills in Wales though, rolling, smooth, emerald with many, many sheep all atop them. Ah, to be lost in those hills will probably have me singing robustly, "The hills are alive, with the sound of music." and then trilling my heart out with sighs of awe. And traveling into the regions of London and other places that all dreams carry us Americans too.
Alright, I am very, very excited for that part of the journey into the isles of life.
And then the second leg of the journey, I get to come home for about a week and a half before I continue onwards to Hawaii, or Havaii, or BYU (Island edition). I cannot imagine Hawaii let alone living and thriving there. But I am being honest here when I wholeheartedly believe that my Father in Heaven has a plan for me over there, for so many signs have pointed to it and so I will go and leave my sweet little Provo behind. Not forever mind you. No, I will always call Provo home now. It's busy school terms and then tranquil summers, the rushing friends, lingering neighbors, Utah Lake and all its carpy friends, the Library that is ethereal and magical, Canter Street with all its funny idiosyncrasies, PHS, Kiwanis Park that has held so many "wild parties" over the years, the well used Y trail, and of course the creamery. These all come together to create a small eden, a very silly eden, but still its own parched paradise.
So what will I take with me to Hawaii? Well, to Wales I am planning on finding before I go an excellent pair of overalls to top off my wonderful cranberry red rain coat and those two will find their way with me to Hawaii. But more importantly I will carry in my, sure to be overflowing, suitcase: the congreve cube, my mumford inspiration poster (thank you, Taylor), potentially my three goldfish, my collage of all things Abbey and Libby project, my personal mantra collage, that picture of Hannah, Justin and I all on a sledding inner tube cheekily grinning at the camera, my picture of a fedora'd President Gordon B. Hinckley, also my Rachel collage and dream catcher, as well as a heart full of laughter and joy because of every blessed moment that I have lived here on Hillsdale, that I have know Libby, Taylor, Theresa, Hannah, Rachel, for each scraped knee and bruised ankle that gave me such a perspective on how to say "ow", neopets, bryer horses, anything and everything wonderful that has ever occurred to me. So even the other day when Easton took me to romp with the musicians and candles. To tell the truth there are to many things to count on my list of lovely things! So thank you Provo you always have done me well. I love you.
Lovingly, Abs