Saturday, October 6, 2012

My Heart Sings Forth

Despite all my thoughts previously as to where my heart would carry me in this very wide world, they have been redirected. Transported and focused on something so entirely new and wonderful that I cannot entirely grasp it yet.
In less than a year, I will be serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a mission. A full fledged, my heart, might, mind and soul all directed into preaching the gospel. Miraculous.
Still processing it.
The Extraordinary part is that, all my friends will be joining me in it! As soon as President Monson announced that boys can leave on their missions at age 18 and that young women could leave at age 19, I received texts from Libby, from Easton, after conference I got a call from Rachel, and another text from Taylor. Libby ecstatically texted me telling me that she is in shock that I will be leaving for a mission next summer, this summer in essence. What she put was, THHHHHHISSSSS SUMMMMEERRRRRRRR! Hard to believe and yet my heart is so overfilled with joy at the mere mention of the fact that I can serve a mission. But one of the very most beautiful aspects is that Rachel McCloskey and Easton Madsen, my two sweet friends who I can count as some of my very closest will be leaving at the exact same time as me. We will be united in our common goal of serving a mission for our Savior, and can prepare, study, learn and work on becoming the missionaries our Father in Heaven would have us be, together. Rachel called me afterwards and we excitedly discussed this fact for about twenty minutes, her focus was shot at ACT prep after a girl announced that in the middle of the class. All she could think was, I could go on a mission.
And, that is all I can think about. A mission. And me. I feel so strangely ready, and it fits the puzzle of my future so well that I cannot help but think secretly Heavenly Father had even me in mind when He informed our prophet, Thomas Monson, about the age change.
So here is the new life outline, one that tickles my toes and my nose.
1. Graduate, a very important step
2. Go to Wales, hopefully, for that month and a half
3. Return
4. Leave on a mission
All of this will be done this upcoming summer, can you believe it? I almost cannot and yet the idea is nestling so firmly into my heart that I cannot believe that I did not know it all along.
I want to write a brief poem, just because that is all I can think of!

Learn what it means to hold 
to be bold
to teach the secrets of truth
to reveal the ways to soothe
the soul
To be out there, smiling at the new langauge
engaging it in its way
and handing to others the key to 

A rough poem, but thats the best that it is going to be, I suppose! I have always known I wanted, no, that I would serve a  mission and knowing that it is so close causes me to want to strive for so many different things! Whatever way the wind blows now I think that I can know what it is I need to begin with, and that is a start, would'nt you say?
Just saying, it will be 285 days until I go on my mission.

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