This is it, I am in Dublin, safely in the Abigail's (yes, that's exactly how it worked out) Hostel. Thanks Ab, your a keeper I am sure of it! And through the kind graces of Fealuanauu, yes that was her real name, who Theresa and I met on the ferry, we sat in a nice companionable silence and then began chatting and Theresa and the Welshie simply clicked! Stories and thoughts on horses, riding and country music. Yes, they like country music out here! But the Welshie's sweet Irish Dad came and gave us a ride out to Abigail's or else we would have doomed to a fate of walking here. Just like those emaciated statues lining the pavement from the Irish famine. Half dead on our feet! How does travel wipe you out so? It has a knack for me! But now is that moment where you are looking about you and all those moments you were looking forward to and could barely see ahead of you before are tripping along happily by your side, new friends and companions to keep your soul a little brighter when those travelless days come! As Debra said,
You won't ever forget this will you?

Never, not as long as I live will Wales leave my heart! And as Theresa has been very consistently reminding me, we are coming back. Yea, we are! It's inevitable, I fell in love with everything wet, wild and green out there and quite a few dry things as well! Oh if you could only just begin to imagine their library! Holy Crepe! It's a good one to say the least. Ah, Wales you will now remain one of those countries encircled with faint, golden haze reserved for all things fantastic, reverently special and gut-bustingly funny. This is for you Wales!
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