Friday, September 20, 2013


I know now there are some who are made to smile, they cannot stop! No matter how hard they try, the smile cannot be wiped off with an eraser, napkins, sticks, stones, little rocks, serious words, or even those sad stories you hear on the radio. They try, geniuinely, and sadness is never a stranger but for some unexplainable reason, a smile cannot help but perk up the corners of their mouth, even their eyes cannot resist twinkling doggishly out at the world. No, it just doesn't happen. Sweet smilers.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Extraordinary Post Conditions

Who needs to beard yourself when you have the sea? There's sand and a breeze, I cannot fathom that the "sea could possibly just be a wetter version of the sky" (Regina Spektor line), a rhythm deep in the cavernous caves created by crabs, children are adorned only in sand, the sun becomes your very best friend (until he scornfully burns you when he gets jealous). But until that moment and even then still, all of it is sublime.
Just fine.
Take heart and look about I know that there is not one way possible that Hawaii could have risen out of the depths to be this majestic beauty, the queen of the ocean.
If not for our loving Heavenly Father, he knew what this land can do to a heart, to the skin, to the soul, to anybody from anywhere.
Pineapple and folding chairs.
Cheeky kids letting you know all about it.
"This is the place"

Monday, September 9, 2013

Fawnd Farewells

Second post in one night stretch, usually unheard of from me but I have one more offering for my blog.
I start the collegic days tomorrow. More than I have up to this point.
I feel at war with myself as both fawn and school boy choose their paths within me.
What thoughts is the fawn having? She does not want to be left behind but has always been shy in the beginning of beginnings. Knees as fragile as tender shoots buckle under the idea. Large eyes bat at the mere mention of classrooms. Rib cage rockets with a heart destined for the whole nine yards.
What thoughts are on the rushing boy's mind? He seems as proud as brass to be out and going forth ready for all the new knowledge that will teach him how to conquer each constellation and every kilometer. Swaggering with strained jeans and bruised calves. As ready for anything as he ever will be. He checks two houses down to ensure his friends are following and making way to the same path. Cheeky monkey as he is, he's going to be more than fine!
But what if a few variables changed. The friends did not arrive, or friends had not been acquired yet. How would he be feeling? His swagger would trip with anxiety but smiling like he meant it he would continue and carry on. Because all the bravest do. Just as the fawn would too, as soon as her bus pulled in as well. Change is inevitable and not only that but good.
I get to trip off to bed now, and then to class next. Wish me a fond one, love! 

A Great Pear

The strange, lovely mystery of life is our ideas of what is ideal.

Sometimes holding onto our ideal is crippling and others it gives our souls flight. But the true beauty of the idealic (no not a real word but see what it can become for you) is that it is dressed in dreams and hopes like a beautiful garment meant for only you, a perfect fit, in fact! In the end real life is messy but our ideal is always somehow upheld and respected. What we think is what occurs! Marvelous, yea, yea it is. Thought provides such unbelievable power and weight for the present. You get to be exactly what you think. As Roaldy Dahl said, "If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunshine and you will always look lovely." And it's more than just looking lovely but the sunshine within you from the thoughts which keep you warm at night. I am not always prone to the thoughts that I call dripping drops of unbearable sunshine. No sir. But I know exactly where to find them if I do need to go looking, and prayer is one place to run to, my odd day dreams, ridiculous memories, and admiring those around me. People are always incredible, surprising, spontaneous, merciful, lovely, and we all have a streak of something rough and untamed within us. We sometimes find ourselves to be superior but I will let you know that its not true. No one is better than you. I know I'm not. Surprise! Just kidding we all knew that. No, we are all lucky enough to be equal so why not offer that gift to those around us, equality. Let's not forget what a full job being human is, just being you is. Being that awesome is hard! Ask Obama if you want, he'll tell you all about it. Or Will Smith, Leo the Di, Miss Watson, Emma, etc. We are who we are.

I kept hearing this in prayers today, a plea to our Father in Heaven, supplicating for our hopes and dreams that we can live by those and gain them. I have never ever heard that uttered aloud in a prayer before but we all have them. Sometimes, we ignore them. Say, little guy I don't know what you are doing poking your nose around here but you are crazy and I cannot take you in with all my other sensible things I already possess. Or you are not real. Ha, it is. We each have a job on this earth and I think one of the ways Heavenly Father helps us realize it is planting in each of us a dream. They are shy creatures dreams, easily frightened and we need to follow them mercilessly. I have a dream said Martin Luther King Jr. and he was right, he did. And we do too! And Heavenly Father is more than willing to help us hobble after that dream, toddle after that flashing lightning bug to hold for ourselves, peeking in at and not even quite believing that it could be real.

Here is my dream
Seldom leaving my haven of home
a small house for the two and more
open doors and breezes that should be bottled up
peeling pears for pear pie (is it any good? in my dreams it is)
venturing from the homestead to the big, lovely planet
service, endless service
a peace corp existence simply
add in some marine life just for good measure, please
a few wild hearted ninnies to call my own
scruff and guitar
honest tea until we can drink no more
an immaculate word or two to share
books upon books upon books with books on those
ART, yep, ART
words as easy to share as a smile
love jam
and laughter as quick as a flash flood in Utah but not as rare
being apart of the church always
taking breaks to give life to living
pack ratting, its who I am
road trips
hawaiian spirits
give me those who know happiness just as well as they know their own, sweet voices
Not to much to ask is it?
I know it will all get taken care of. In it's own time.
"This is a prayer of contentment." C.S.