All of it, the entire June Series, is to prepare for my great leaving of Provo. To fill everyday with such overwhelming laughter and joy as to tickle my down to my toenails! There are a few main attractions of the June series and they happen to be a good handful of friends, who would capture the heart of any miser whether it be Scrooge or Darth Vader (who is just very, very grumpy). So it all will begin tomorrow but already a few adventures have debuted in these few final days of May weather. Including:
Cutting Easton's hair (yikes)
It happened last night, and it began as a joy but as the hair got shorter and as he got quieter my anxiety began to rise steadily. Oh man, occasionally I would giggle and Rachel would laugh out loud making the whole ordeal much more of an ordeal! But it turned out just fine it seems because he still said goodbye and is still talking to me so not to shabby I would say.
June Series
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